Sunday, December 25, 2005

it does not feel like . . . It does not feel like Christmas. Living in Taiwan has its pros and cons. And, I suppose one of the cons is "missing" Christmas. Sure we have red and green, songs about "one house [sic] open sleighs," Christmas trees, and santas galore, but we are "missing" Christmas. Because I don't get a vacation for Christmas (not an offical holiday here) classes continue, there are things to grade, finals to write, and life is "normal." I miss Christmas. I miss stopping to just be with family. I miss thinking about and planning the gifts I want to give. I miss seeing Christmas lights. I miss decorating the tree with memories of years gone by alongside my mom and sister. I miss making Christmas cookies. But, what I really miss most is my family. I want to sit on the couch and laugh with them. I want to see their faces as they open presents. I want to sit around the table that has been prepared in loving care. I want to be with them for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Instead, here it is day before Christmas Eve, and I am trying to clear out my guest room for a bed that is coming, trying to find a way to get Gilby to a student's house for the weekend, trying to prepare something to take to a friend's house, trying to not feel gulity about not being ready, trying to not feel guilty about the huge pile of papers that won't get graded this weeked. I guess the most important thing for me to do this weekend, is to sit down and spend some quality time worshipping my Savior--to forget about the guilt, to forget about what I think I am missing--and focus heart and soul on the one I love most and who loves me most. He is the reason for Christmas. And because of that--I can't miss Christmas if I celebrate him. Merry Christmas, Yall!

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