Friday, January 27, 2006

outside my window Yesterday morning I heard some very loud noise. It was incessant. I thought it was from the house across the street that is being rebuilt. There were voices yelling and loud banging and clanging going on. It was not yet 7 AM. Wanna guess what it was? Whatever your guess, my guess is that your guess is wrong. Why don't I just tell you--people were washing dishes outside. Took this photo from my 2nd floor apartment. Do you see them there washing the dishes? Oh, you wanna know why people would be washing dishes outside that early in the morning? Hmmm. Me too. So, I turn my head to the left a little and see this: Can't tell what that is? Let me tell you--it is a car with red ribbons on the door handles. Oh you knew that! Well, then let me tell you what a car with red ribbons means in Taiwan--it means wedding! The groom and his family go the home of the bride's family in a caravan of cars all with red ribbons. With uncles and other family members present, the two families become one family. Then they set off firecrackers (outside of course). The caravan then adds the bride's family to its parade, and most of the time they head for a temple to get the gods' and/or ancestors' blessings. And then a banquet follows. Oh, and banquets don't have to be held on the day of the wedding--they can be held anytime after, and you can have more than one. Anyway back to me and outside my window yesterday. Later in the day, they started cooking: And a delivery truck delivered some stuff (probably the drinks--just set the yellow boxes in the aisles between the tables and help yourself): Well, firecrackers went off from about 6:45 to a little after 7:00 PM. Then they started to dine--at round tables with pink table cloths. :) But, I wasn't brave enough to try to take pictures of that. Maybe next time. Anyway, it took them 12 hours to prepare for that banquet!! Wow. It must have been some feast!

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