The Carnival of Beauty is up for this week!! This week, the theme of hope, was hosted by MzEllen & Co. Go take a look and visit some of the posts on hope.
Next week the theme is "the beauty of serving," and I am the host.
For guidelines and how to submit a piece to the Carnival, please read this post at Two Talent Living. And just as an extra reminder, please send links to both the indivdual post and to your whole site. In addition, if your few lines of description could be written in third person that would be very helpful!
Thanks! I look forward to reading all the submissions and hosting the Carnival this week! Submissions can be sent to amanda47 [at]
Oh . . . and if you wanna know a random fact: 3:00 pm EST on Tuesday will be 6:00 AM on Wednesday where I live! :)
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