Tuesday, January 24, 2006

yeah, but why TAIWAN? (Part 3) This is part three of a multi-post series, part one is here and part two is here. Over winter break as a sophomore in college, me and my roommate decided to take winter break classes. So we hung out in an empty dorm complex together for two weeks of mini-classes. I started reading the short version of Hudson Taylor's biography. He was the first missionary to inner China. He dressed like the Chinese people--even with the long ponytail. He also sacrificed much--wives and children in addition to physical items. God was stirring my heart through reading Taylor's life and of his love for the Chinese people. I knew I needed to go to China. However, there were two organizations I could go with. One I knew I could go to China, but the other I would check a box that said "send me anywhere you feel led you to send me" (which meant I could be serving in downtown Dallas--NOT A BAD thing at all, in fact I was doing that already every week.) Point is I knew to be obedient I needed to go to China--so which organization do I choose? (A) I know will send me to China or (B) can send me anywhere they wanted me to go. I choose B. Why? Because every time I prayed, God was telling me to go with B. It was another difficult decision. It is always difficult to choose to trust a God I cannot see who doesn't write answers next to my questions for me in my journal. :) I think it was also difficult because I was sure God was telling me go to China and he was also telling me go with B. However, what if B sent me to Mexico? Did that mean they weren't listening to God? Did it mean I was hearing God wrong? My heart was not at rest even though I was being obedient. My human-ness was still making me nervous and fearful. Yet, when the assignment listing came from B, guess where Amanda was headed? That's right: China. God was in control. I should have trusted Him and been at peace. (It was a wonderful two months in China. Again, many life changing events occurred. Maybe I can write about that at another time.) Now, Amanda had decided China is where she should spend her life, not Taiwan. She even talked to people who help place others in Asia. A "high-up" from one organization told her, "if you can handle China, then China is where you should be. The need in China is great." But did you catch the second word of this paragraph? That's right, "amanda." I just assumed that China is where I should go, where I should be. That was the "hot spot" of the time--where all the action was taking place. In addition, since I had spent two summers overseas, I had decided that I should stay in the USA this summer to take a few summer...
the beauty of serving Today, it is my privilage to present eleven stellar posts on the beauty of serving for the Carnival of Beauty. Iris at Eph2810 had to evaluate her service to God last winter, after getting sick. Was her service to be in 'public' or her own four walls? Read her thoughts regarding service in this week's entry "Where do you Serve Him?" Blair from Scribblings by Blair loves being a homemaker but finds that she doesn't quite enjoy the aspect of cooking. In this post she sets out to discover a new outlook as well as a new method for the task at hand. Check out her post: "Hey Cookie, that's mighty fine grub!" Sarah's Daughter, Natalija, describes how God changed her outlook on housework and service to her family over the years in "Who am I serving?" Carmen of Full Contact Christ Centric Living portrays the Beauty of Service in her post “It’s Right!” She visits the question, “Should young men and women risk their lives to fight a questionable war in foreign lands?” Ellen from MzEllen & Co. finds that who you are serving is more important than how you are serving in "How Do You Serve? WHO do you serve?" In "Serving a Need" at "Of Christian Women", Carrie shares the importance of considering the need when serving. God created us to glorify Him. God wants us to serve others. When does our service to others glorify Him? When does it not? At She Lives, Carol asks these questions and offers a challenge. Are you willing to take her up on it as She Serves. In her post, "No More Lemony Looks For Me," Heather from Mom 2 Mom Connection wants to offer her positive attitude as a gift of service to Christ. By choosing to dwell on uplifting thoughts instead of negative, she hopes to bring more joy into her life and the lives of others around her. A wife fulfills her God-given purpose with service to her husband, which blesses them both. Find out how by reading Mrs. Happy Housewife's post The Beauty of Service. The beauty of serving is found as we lose ourselves in Christ and service in His grace. It is seen on the faces of those who have been served that Christ be glorified. Come and see The Beauty of Serving in Christ on Patricia's Pollywog Creek Porch. There are so many things Amanda, who is following an unknown path, says she could write about serving and its beauty. However, for the Carnival chose to write about one of the most memorable moments in her life when she was served. Read the story: washing feet. In the next two weeks the Carnival of Beauty will be: January 31 - Gentleness - hosted by Iris (eph2810) February 7 - Contentment - hosted by Bethany (A Picturesque Life) If you didn't join us this week, please come join us as we reflect on the beauty of Christ in our writing in the coming weeks.

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