If you wanna know why I live in Taiwan, this post tells you the answer. The post below begins a multi-post series on why Taiwan (as opposed to anywhere else overseas or even Amercia for that matter).
In 1996, I started college classes at Dallas Baptist University. At that time, I was planning to be a freelance journalist (with the hopes to marry and be a stay at home mommy with a great felixable "at home" career). I also wanted to live in an inner city apartment in order to do ministry in my apartment complex. So, to prepare for the life path I had planned, I was a communication major and very involved in an inner city after school program in the heart of downtown Dallas.
Somewhere near the beginning of the spring semester (1997), I began to desire to go on a mission trip overseas. In my head, of course that meant going to Africa or South America. I talked it over with my mom, and she ok-ed the idea under the condition that it wasn't for the whole summer--she wanted to spend a little time with her college girl during the summer vacation time.
Her stipulation actually made the decision quite easy. Every summer since 1996, DBU has sent a team of students to Taiwan for an English teaching mission trip. The trip lasts one month. Perfect. Does Amanda even know where Taiwan is? Nope. Does she care? Nope. She just wants to tell people in a different country about Jesus.
So, summer comes and Amanda goes to Taiwan. Uh . . . wow! What a "wake up" moment! Life is so different on the other side of the planet. It was actually a love/ hate relationship at first sight. I hated the traffic. I hated the neon lights that flashed all the time all over the place. I hated not understanding everything that was being said. I hated not being able to read. I hated the fact that my neighbor's dog knew more Chinese than me. I hated the food. I hated feeling stupid because I couldn't communicate with the people around me. But, I loved the people of Taiwan. I loved teaching. I loved sharing Jesus with my new friends. I loved experiencing new things. I loved having my ideas of the world be shattered.
I was on a life-altering trip. I didn't even know it.
Well, my 15 min of writing time are up . . . so the story will continue later. :)
The pic above is of me in Taiwan in 1997 testing out musical water bowls.
I just sent you an email (10/6/07), asking you a couple of questions to which I am now finding the answers. When in doubt, read the instructions!
Posted by: Doc Preston | Sunday, October 07, 2007 at 07:35 AM