Tuesday, February 21, 2006

girlfriends!! Earlier today I talked about needing different kinds of friends--mentors, mentees (is that a word?), and peers. But really even within those groups we need different kinds of friends too! We need friends who are great encouragers--we know that when we call them they will comfort us and encourage us. But, we also need those friends who call it like it is, who look us straight in eye and confront us with truth in love. We need some friends who are quite and gentle, and we need some friends who laugh loud, hard, and long. Of course, those groups are not exactly mutually exclusive . . . but you get the point, right? Aren't you glad that God is so creative when it comes to types of people He blesses us with? I am!! :) Here are a few of my girlfriends: Ellen A friend since 1997 when she came from Taiwan to Texas. I discipled her after she became a Christian (in 1998), and she has offered me continual loving support and encouragement ever since. We were roommates for one semester in college. Lydia I also met Lydia in 1997 when she also left Taiwan for Texas to study. Lydia and I were roommates for a year. She is one of the best listeners I have ever met! She lets me just talk and talk and talk. Mary Agnes She has been a wonderful "Paul" to me in the last year. Mary Agnes has been a missionary here in Taiwan for the past 11 years. She is also a Flybaby and has held me accountable to meeting my goals this winter. She also is a wonderful, wonderful encourager and always ends each conversation we have with prayer. She also allowed me to be part of her family this past Christmas. I could not have asked for a better friend for this season of my life. Kady Another perfect friend for this season of life, Kady. Kady is a teacher at my school, we have presented a paper togther, and we are co-teaching a writing class together. She is very generous of her time and her smiles too. I told her recently that I am so glad that I don't have to earn my friends because I sure do not deserve her! Corrina, Karen, and Christine Corrina is yet another wonderful person that I have the privilage of calling friend. I will have to tell the incredible God-incidnet that let me meet her another day. Since 1999, she has opened her heart and her home to me in so many ways. She is like the big sister I never had. In addition, her daughters are some of the precious "little friends" I get to love. Karen and Danette Some more of the "Pauls" in my life; they both are missionaries in Meinong. Karen (the taller one) became a friend last year when I was struggling with depression. She was able to listen compassionately to me, translate what I was saying...

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