Thought I would share with you one of my favorite "only in Taiwan pictures."
Yes, this baby is a bucket on the back of his grandma's bike. And, yes, the baby is being sheilded from the sun by an umberalla that grandma has tied somehow to the bucket on the bike. And, yes, I did take this picture while driving my moped (but, shhh, don't tell that to my mom or grandmothers.)
Wow Amanda!! That looks like something that would happen here in South Africa too - LOL!! So, are you still in Taiwan or are you back at home now?? I love the way your blog has Chinese Heading on it too.
It is wondeful to see how the Lord is moving in China specially when I read about the Chinese Worship Leader proclaiming, Gos is Good!! halelujah!!
I will definitely be back to visit yur blog, it is very interesting.
Posted by: Spookie | Friday, August 11, 2006 at 04:02 PM
Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment!!
To answer your question, I do still live in Taiwan, but at the moment, I am visiting family in the States. I will be back in Taiwan come September. :)
So, I guess that you are South African?
Posted by: amanda | Saturday, August 12, 2006 at 01:02 AM
haha, I knew that road, its the way throught the FongShan to KH downtown right~ ha its fun, and u should be careful when doing that cuz u might be stoped by the police~^^ i haven't talked with u for long time~ kinda miss u..haha and btw i already paid the stuff for ur lisense. ttys~
Posted by: andrew | Saturday, August 12, 2006 at 02:25 AM
Yep. It is that road. :)
Don't worry, I was safe--when I saw her, I pulled over, got out the camera, caught up with her, took the picture and then pulled back over and put the camera away. ;) She was just too great to miss taking a picture of!
Posted by: amanda | Sunday, August 13, 2006 at 01:39 AM
wow, that's right, only in taiwan! i remember seeing 5+ people on one moped and that was incredible, but your picture is a new thing for me, talk about innovative! =P
Posted by: rejoyce | Sunday, August 13, 2006 at 03:10 AM
Ha Ha!! She is very creative^_^
Very pround for the Taiwanese.
Posted by: Claire | Sunday, August 13, 2006 at 08:43 AM