Saturday, September 30, 2006

google me Recent things people have googled and ended up finding me: taiwan peanut girl (huh?!?) taiwan tofu jelly (well, I have had tofu pudding, but not jelly) world's tallest 12-year-old girl (what?!?) pics of grandma's riding mopeds (they do! I just don't have a pic of it) girl cycler (I only dream about being a "real" one) amanda scary pictures (I sure hope they didn't find any here!!) where can i buy wu-long tea in texas (not sure, but try a local Asian supermart--Austin, Houston, DFW all have 'em) erhu fingering D diao (there is a clear lack of erhu resources in English online--I constantly am getting hits from people searching for info on playing the erhu) learning to say no modern toilet (for those of you who keep googling for the one in Tainan click here, it is the last store listed) (warning: bad language on page, mainly because they don't realize it's a "bad word") mcdonalds resturant taipei (I am sure there are lots of them, but I don't know well enough to blog about them because I don't live in Taipei) bread of life in taipei (never been to the Taipei one, but have visited the Bread of Life in Kaohsiung) what holds your esophogus in place? (I have no idea!) worship songs in hokkien (I do know some in Hokkien (aka Taiwanese), but they are not on my blog; to pray for the Hokkien people go here) vietnamese passion fruit icee recipe (hmm, please share if you find one--sounds delicious) At first, I'd never really thought about doing a list like this myself--mainly cuz I didn't want to lead searchers astray again by coming here and finding my silly list. But some of them just made me laugh out loud, so I had to share them!! :) So, please forgive me if you were led astray by my googled list. Oh, and, just FYI, if you google "amanda" on and ask for Chinese only results, I am currently the second one listed. Who woulda thunk it?? Have a great weekend!! I'm off to clean and welcome guests.
a friend's visit This weekend (Friday to Monday night) I was blessed to have a guest in my home. A friend from my home church in Texas was sent by her company to Taiwan for a week. After she had completed her work obligations in Taipei, she came on down to Kaohsuing to see me. Veronica and I have known each other for a long time. Her uncle was one of my Sunday school teachers when I was in middle school. But, in recent years as life has transplanted both of us outside of the great state of Texas, we haven't seen each other much or even really talked much. However, it was WONDERFUL having her visit me for a few days. We talked. We laughed. We cried. We ate Taiwanese food. We took moped rides. We took Gilby for walks. We went sight seeing. We shared our faith. We worshipped. We prayed. It was just awesome! Veronica did an great job asking lots and lots of questions allowing me to share my love for the Taiwanese and for Taiwan with her. She helped me see afreash some of the things I now take for granted. She helped me see how blessed I am--just how much God has changed me and given me in the past few years. I was tempted when she left to complain: "why can't I have that kind of friend to hang out with all the time?" But, I quickly repented and turned my heart to thankfulness: "Thank you, Abba Fu (Daddy God) for giving me precious time to be with Veronica this weekend. You sure did bless me with this special friend. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!" 1. Veronica braved my moped, 2. Veronica, Gilby, and Me at the East Gate in Meinong, 3. Veronica exercised with this grandma, 4. Veronica with some of my students, 5. Veronica talks to my class, 6. Veronica and Gilby

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