At the moment, I am on a plane somewhere between here and there--probably somewhere over the Pacific Ocean. So, here is a quote that set me thinking and pondering this past weekend:
Readiness is a sign of commitment. Commitment that is unprepared to sacrifice is merely compromise in disguise. . . . Compromise takes a steady toll and weakens our desire and ability to be committed. In the same way, the believer's commitment to Christ must exact a price in order to maintain its value. We must prepare for the test of our commitment by daily affirming that [it is] worth it. It's worth spending our time in daily prayer. It's worth gathering for worship at church. It's worth enduring hardship and trial, abuse, and even arrest for the privilege of maintaining our commitment without compromise. (taken from the book extreme devotion, emphasis added)
"Compromise takes a steady toll." I think this is so true in my own life. Little by little, just like how a steady drip of water can dent a stone, small compromises begin to add up and take a toll. So, I started asking myself:
(1) What
compromises have I made--large or small?
(2) Am I prepared to make sacrifices? which ones? how so? Have I dictated which sacrifices are ok and which ones are not?
(3) In what ways do I need to prepare for possible future sacrifices? How can I be ready, prepared?
Scripture says "do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you" (1 Peter 4:12). Do I live too comfortably? If I am not living in the midst of painful trial should I be surprised?
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