Wednesday, October 18, 2006

the goings on I promised myself I would leave around 3:00 but considering it is now just about 3, I think I'm going to be a little late. Yet, still I wanna leave a quick note to tell yall what's up. This week was only 2 days for me. We had a five day weekend last weekend--Friday was a lunar holiday, Mid-Autumn Moon Festival, and Tuesday was a national holiday, Double 10 or Independance Day. These two holidays don't normally fall so close together, but since they fell on the same weekend the government gave everyone Monday off as long as they made it up this coming Saturday. Anywho, I was in Kenting for 5 days with my mission team--it was great chance to meet new team memebers, worship together, and pray for each other and the Taiwanese people--oh and of course play at the beach. Then I worked two days, and today I have tried to get come errands and chores completed, but my "to do list" still seems longer than my "did it list." And, like I mentioned earlier in the post, I am planning on leaving this afternoon. This time I will be heading northward for the wedding of one of my college roommates. I had several posts set to auto-post last weekend--you didn't even know I was out of town did you? Anyway, I had it together last week and don't this week. :) I barely got out my really short little post yesterday. Which is funny, because it has gathered more comments than most of my posts do. (Thanks elde for the youba tip--I learned something new.) Anywho, I have a whole list of post ideas to write up (including one tag from ejia) and tons of photos to share. But, I just don't have the time this week to do it. However, it is for good reasons--worship, spiritual retreat, playing at the beach, the celebration of marriage, seeing old friends, and making new ones. So, I guess I can cope. ;) But before you click away, feel free to go find yourself on the map and tell me which one you think is you like Kristy and Claire did. (If there is not a dot on your location--you can still tell me where abouts it should be if you wanna.) See ya next week! Happy Weekend!!

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