Saturday, December 16, 2006

christmas ornaments One of the parts of Christmas that I enjoyed most is decorating the tree. Opening up the boxes and expecting the surprise as I peel away old newspapers to reveal a special ornament and the memories it brings back. Our tree at home is filled homemade ornaments--some are now almost 30 years old. Also, a tradtion is that each year mom and dad gave us an ornament. My NeeNee and PawPaw (paternal grandparents) also gave use a yearly ornament. We would write our name and the year on the bottom of them. This was supposed to become the starter kit for our own tree when we became adults. I love that tradition--but, um, my mom has yet to reliquinsh the ornaments yet. It is impossible to pick a single favorite from our family tree. I love the tiny crystal nativity. I love the little girl on the 1983 swing. I love the oversized ice-cream cone Sarah made with styrofoam and hotglue. I love the string of teddy-bears I made in the sixth grade. I love the faded green ornament that is from my mom's childhood tree. I love . . . . I can't possible list them all, huh? Below are the only ornaments from my family's tree that I have pictures of. One is of the baked ornament I painted when I was only 2 or 3. The snowman is one I made in 4th or 5th grade--it started from two make-up powder puffs. And, the other one is a clothes pin reindeer I also made. My first Christmas in Taiwan, I decorated my tree alone. It was little thrilling and a little depressing at the same time. Thrilling because I was decorating my own Christmas tree, and depressing because I was all alone; there was no one to share it with. So, I decided at that moment to always invite someone to come help me decorate my tree. For the past three years, I've invited the same students to come help me. I am so glad they give me someone to share my joy with. This year, they also helped me to make lots of these: See, here they are making them. (Gilby helped too.) For my Christmas tree here in Taiwan, I have kept it (almost) all red, white, and silver. And, most of them sparkle, glitter, or reflect the twinkle lights--and I like that. There are only two exceptions to my sliver, white, and red tree. Both have been gifts. And both reinforce that I am milkshake. One is made by Chinese knots (given to me by a student), and the other is in the shape of Texas and happens to have the word "yall" on it (given to me by my sister). Here is my little Taiwanese tree in full: For more ornaments and tree show-n-tell, visit Mountain Musings and Seeds in My Garden.

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