So, first of all, let me say to all of you coming via BooMama's "Christmas Tour of Homes" . . . Welcome to Taiwan!
Did you know that you just crossed the ocean? Well, come on in--there's not much, but it makes me smile.
The Chinese on the door says "God loves the World's People"--it stays up all year. My little door sign changes with the season--this snowman will stay up till Chinese New Year.
After you step in, you will need to take your shoes off. These guys stand on top of my "shoe closet" where you will find some slippers to put on if you'd like.
The only wreath in my home is this one--my Christmas card wreath. I like having a decorative, fun way to display my Christmas cards. This year, when I added a card, I didn't know that all the snow on the card glowed in the dark till I turned out the lights to go to bed. Let's just say it caught me by surprise. (The left wreath is a pic from the end of last year; on the right is this year's so far).
Under this wreath, is the rest of my snowpeople collection.
Gotta truly appreciate the snowpeople collection a little better!! :) I think my love for snowmen stated with some handmade crochet snowmen that my NeeNee made for me and Sarah when we were little girls. I loved playing with those guys.
Besides my Christmas tree, the only other Christmas decoration I have is a small nativity scene my grandparents sent to me my first year here in Taiwan.
You can see my post from yesterday to see my Christmas tree and some of my ornaments, if you feel so inclined.
Thanks for coming to visit me in Taiwan! Before you head off to visit other homes on the tour, let me just say 聖誕節快樂 (sheng dan jie kuai le) or in other words "Merry Christmas Yall!!"
Wow! Merry Christmas on the other side of the world:) I love your snowmen and your card wreath! Thanks for sharing and have a very blessed Christmas!
Posted by: ChupieandJsmama | Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 01:33 AM
It looks great. Love all the snowmen! have a very Merry Christmas. Boy am I going to be tired after this round trip :)
Posted by: Becky | Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 01:36 AM
What a lovely manger scene!!
Posted by: owlhaven | Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 05:14 AM
Taiwan...WOW!! Best wishes for Merry Christmas!
IF (a BIG if) we had more than 4 kids, we would start over with the stockings! Too funny that you asked!
Posted by: Jennifer | Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 11:37 AM
Thank you for visiting my blog-I just popped over to visit yours after seeing the comment you left for me.
Thank you for sharing your home with us--your dog is adorable, especially in the shredding tissue photo!
My daughter's name is Amanda too. :)
I look forward to visiting again soon. Merry Christmas to you!
Posted by: Mrs. B | Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 11:58 AM
Taiwan! Wow! I spent a few weeks in Taiwan about 15 years ago with some missionary friends who lived and taught there. I have great memories of my time there. I enjoyed seeing your Christmas-y decorations. If I remember right, I think is time to say, "shieh shieh nee" (thank-you very much)!
Merry Christmas,
Cindee @ As For Me
Posted by: Cindee | Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 03:47 PM
Loved coming by to visit your home at Christmas. Your decorations are lovely (love the snowmen!) and I really enjoyed your precious post on decorating your Christmas tree.
I hope your Christmas is full and wonderful this year.
Posted by: Pastormac's Ann | Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 04:25 PM
Thanks for showing off all your decorations! I pray God blesses your socks off as you share the gospel with your students this season!
Posted by: Leslie | Saturday, December 16, 2006 at 10:56 PM
Wow Christmas across the world. Thanks for having us!
Love your snowman collection, especially the tall skinny one with the long scarf and birdhouse. He's really unique!
Posted by: Susanne | Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 12:33 AM
Your snowmen or should i say snow people?? anyway, they are too cute! I really mean to buy more myself. Thanks for the visit!
P.S I noticed you are reading PCOS -I just was diagnosed with that this past Monday. Do you have it aswell??? let's chat.
Posted by: karen | Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 08:00 AM
Merry CHRISTmas!!!
i like how you decorate with snowmen and give no room to Santa... good. i don't like Santa so it's good to focus on better parts of CHRISTmas and most of all, CHRIST our King!
A very merry merry and blessed CHRISTmas to you!
Posted by: joyce | Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 08:36 AM
Wow! That trip over the ocean was A LOT faster than the one we took two years ago to Beijing to adopt our little girl.
Nine years is a long time to be away from family. Bless you in what you do!!
I love the snow people and the nativity.
Thanks for sharing!! Merry Christmas.
Posted by: Shaggabear | Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 10:42 AM
Thanks for stopping by. I noticed it was a long trip for you...across the ocean.
You have quite a snowman collection too. And some beautiful ones at that.
The christmas ball wreath I have shown on my blog that you mentioned is actually stuck into the wreath foam with toothpicks, but you could glue them too.
Thanks for sharing.
Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Cheryl | Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 11:14 AM
Thank you for sharing Christmas in Taiwan! I really enjoyed it. Merry Christmas!
Posted by: Annette | Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 12:32 PM
I want glow in the dark glitter, that's awesome
Posted by: Sarakastic | Sunday, December 17, 2006 at 01:46 PM
I loved all your snowpeople - how fun!! And your nativity scene is really beautiful; what a wonderful gift from your grandmparents! Also wanted to say thanks for your comments on my daughter :)
Posted by: Michelle | Monday, December 18, 2006 at 05:24 AM
Your home is beautiful and inviting. I love all of your snowmen, they are so cute! Thanks for having us over!
Posted by: Kelli | Monday, December 18, 2006 at 12:18 PM
Wow, a quick trip around the world! I am slowly making my way through BooMama's tour.
I love all the snowmen!! And love that Christmas card wreath -- I have been trying to figure out what to do with my cards since our home is structured differently from our last one and I can't do what I did there. That may be just the thing.
Thanks for having us over! My tour is buried under several other posts now. :)
Posted by: Barbara H. | Tuesday, December 26, 2006 at 10:08 AM