Wednesday, January 24, 2007

another year, another weiya This year, just like last year, my school had a "wei ya." The WeiYa is a banquet that companies hold in honor of their employees at Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year this year is at the end of Feburary--because the Chinese calander this past year had an extra month. We have leap years with an extra day; they have leap years with an extra month. No kidding. Anywho, even though Chinese New Year is still so far away, our semester is over, so our school had our weiya. Here are 9 of the 10 courses served at our weiya: 1. Appetizer, 2. Thick soup, 3. Tasty fish, 4. sticky rice with crab, 5. shrimp, 6. peking duck, 7. baked mini lobster with cheese, 8. chinese herbal something or other, 9. tropical fruit The one dish not shown was soup. Here is a shot of the weiya from the 3rd floor of one of our buildings: That's about 25-30 tables (some not pictured) with about 10 people per table so about 250 to 300 people all feasting at the same time, with KTV and "door prizes" to boot! In fact, this year I actually won one of the raffle style prizes. Inside my red envelope was a gift certificite to Carrefour (a super wal-mart kinda place). My first time in four years to win anything at a weiya!! :) And, one last part of a banquet--wedding, weiya, whatever--in Taiwan is that guests get to take home the leftovers in "doggie bags." How great is that!! There are a few more pictures on my flickr set for the 2007 weiya. Such as a before and after of the whole (yummy) fish, a close up of the duck heads on the plate, and more.

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