One of the greatest men I know turns 75 years old today. My PawPaw is one of the most gentle, loving, compassionate, kind, patient men I have ever known. He never meets a stranger. In fact, I had to long ago deal with the fact that nearly everyone he knows who is younger than him consider him their "other grandpa" (jealously you know).
He is also a great story teller. As a little girl, I would go and spend days and weeks at my grandparents house. He used to rock me and read to me before bed time. But, my favorite of all was when we would lay down together, and I would put my feet against his back while he patiently told me story after story after story.
My sister and I both love my PawPaw's hands. They are so not small by any strech of the imagination. They are both strong and soft, rough but gentle at the same time. I love it when he wraps his hand around mine. There is no other feeling like it in the world.
My PawPaw loves Jesus, loves children, and loves his family. His favorite hymn is "Jesus Loves Me." He has worked in the church nursery/preschool for over fifty years--soon (if he hasn't already) he will be telling stories of God's love to the third generation of children from the same family.
I could go on and on and on about just how wonderful my PawPaw is. But, that would just embarss this humble man greatly. So, let me just end with this:
Happy Birthday, PawPaw!! I love you!!
That sounds wonderful. He must be a greta guy. I am very happy for you even if you are a jealous little girl...just kidding.
Posted by: Nicholas Cardot | Saturday, January 06, 2007 at 12:30 AM
Aw, that is so sweet. Makes me get misty thinking about how much I miss my Grandpa. He was a pillar in my life. You are so blessed to still have him. Enjoy! The one consolation for me is the biography video my husband created about my grandpa called Leaving a Legacy. You can see it here if you're interested...always makes me cry:
Posted by: Tasra Dawson | Saturday, January 06, 2007 at 08:31 AM
Amanda, what a special treasure you have! That top picture of you and your grandad is amazing; it's beautiful of the both of you!
I know you're thankful for your relationship with him. My sister and I never knew any of our grandparents, and I know I missed a real opportunity. Enjoy your relatives every chance you have.
Posted by: Deb | Saturday, January 06, 2007 at 10:36 AM
what a wonderful dedication-blog to honor your grandpa! =)
Posted by: joyce | Monday, January 08, 2007 at 08:20 AM