The clock in my living room held its two thick hands at 12 and 10 for about a week.
But, the battery was--not dead--it was dying. So, the second hand was--not ticking--it was twitching.
With great effort but little success, the long, skinny second hand continued to try to reach for the that big nine on the left. Twitch, twitch, twitch.
It still hung on the wall. It still looked like a clock.
It still told time, even if incorrectly. It still was moving, even if unsuccessfully. Twitch, twich, twitch.
Sometimes, I feel like my living room clock.
If my clock had feelings, I bet it was grateful when its battery was changed so it could tick like it was supposed to. No longer just stuck on the wall lying to anyone who bothered to glance at it, it is now ticking. It is now blessing those who look to him for help. Tick, tick, tick.
I know it is that way for me. I am, always, oh, so grateful for a charged battery so I can tick like I am supposed.
So . . . how about you? Are you ticking or twiching these days?
If like my clock, you're struggling to reach that nine on the left, submit to your Maker so He can charge your battery and empower you to tick like you are supposed to.
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