Monday, August 13, 2007

Tiffany and Becka's adventures--day 6 (part 2) After several outdoor stops and riding around on mopeds in the HOT sun, we needed to cool off. So, what better way than to enjoy some fruit and ice? Me and my students introduced Tiffany and Rebecca to what would be their first of many "chaw bing" delights. :) ~*~*~*~ After an early evening swim, we celebrated two birthdays on the beach--Afra's and Anna's. It was my first time to ever have cake on the beach!! :) ~*~*~*~ Then we had dinner off the street--Kenting Street turns into a night market at night with lots of souvenir shopping and great foods to try. The girls were able to have some of their faves--Taiwanese fried chicken and freshly squeezed-to-order fruit drinks. I, on the other hand, got to enjoy squid and try duck's tongue for the first time (let's just say it is harder to chew than pig's ears). ~*~*~*~ Before Tiffany, Becka, and I crashed and fell asleep (while the others went back out to the night market street till 3 in the morning) . . . we went back to the beach to play with sparklers. Fun!! ~*~*~*~ Finally, one of the cool things is that all along Kenting Street, right behind all the street vendors and above all the souvenir shops are small "hotels." And, the fun thing about these hotels is that they have rooms with beds for EIGHT people! That's right--eight girls, one room. Fun, right? :) ~*~*~*~ And, that's it for day 6. Once again, if you want to you can look at all the day 6 pictures on flickr (there are over 200 from that day alone).

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