Salutations! How are you doing these days, dear feed reader?
Just kidding. I do, however, really want your attention for a minute. I am nearing the completion of updating my blog and giving it a "blogover." New colors, new header, new layout, making my past photos more prevalent, you know stuff like that . . . you really should just click over to take a quick peak.
I know your feedreader is speedy and nice and convenient. I love my g-reader (as I affectionately refer to it). But, really now, can you call your feedreader environment pretty? I think not.
I've been making small changes with my blog design here and there for awhile now. In fact, I've longed for a new header for about half a year. But, I just didn't really see the point in shelling out the cash for something so digital and temporary.
That is . . . until I read about a project that Sarah and Rebecca are a part of called Blogovers with Love.
Both of these ladies are in the process of adopting a child from Taiwan. And, while they are waiting, they are donating their time and design skills to raise money to help send needed items to two orphanages here in Taiwan.
How could I resist now? A beautiful blog header plus instead of shelling out the cash for something that viruses could destroy I get to make a donation to help bless orphans. What a great combo!!
If you are wanting a new header (or a complete blogover if you are on blogger), I HIGHLY recommend you consider Blogovers with Love. Sarah has been such a joy to work with. And she created something that is totally me and that I just love to look at because it is just SO pretty. I also really like some of the fabulous headers that Rebecca has designed. Go take a look and see for yourself some of their other handiwork!!
Remember . . . I've already proven to you that I don't exaggerate. ;)
Ooooh, pretty. I love that torn paper look.
Posted by: Leslie | Thursday, December 06, 2007 at 01:20 AM
Very pretty;) I admit I usually read from the reader;)
Posted by: Lizzie | Thursday, December 06, 2007 at 02:32 AM
Very pretty!! I recently stopped using my feed reader because I missed all the pretty blog designs out there. I love Google Reader, but it can get overwhelming.
Posted by: ashley @ twentysixcats | Thursday, December 06, 2007 at 02:59 AM
OK, you've convinced me to come out of my blog reader and actually click on your VERY NICE page! Congratulations. It looks great! My wife is always tinkering with hers. I tell her people go to a blog for content, but she is convinced how it "looks" is just as important. She's probably right (she usually is!) Now if you'll excuse me, I'll head back over to my dull blog reader and continue reading. :)
Posted by: Guy Muse | Thursday, December 06, 2007 at 05:01 AM
What's a blog reader????
Posted by: Mom | Thursday, December 06, 2007 at 09:06 AM
If you use Google Reader and the Firefox web browser, use the greasemonkey addon (for Firefox) to make it possible to preview each post WITHIN Google reader... you can even leave comments WITHIN Google Reader.
Here's the Greasemonkey Add-on:
Here's the script to add the "Preview" to Google Reader:
I also use this script which will automatically add feeds (when I click on them) to Google Reader instead of ask me where I'd like to add them:
Posted by: sqjtaipei | Thursday, December 06, 2007 at 11:30 AM
Amanda, I really like the new look! I admit that I seldom come over from G-Reader; this makes it worthwhile ;-)
Posted by: Jackie | Thursday, December 06, 2007 at 10:24 PM
So, if I want to get a blogover, what's an appropriate donation? I'm a little clueless when it comes to these things and I don't want to give to little on accident.
Posted by: Cahleen | Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 04:34 PM