I will soon be able to add one more thing to this list of things that I am.
In a little over four months my sister is going to make me an aunt!! She is a little over 19 weeks pregnant with my little nephew, who will be named Nathan Lee.
Nathan means "gift of God" . . . what a wonderful name!!
I am so excited for my sister and brother-in-law. This is something they've wanted for a long time now.
Can you see him there? The first one is a full body shot and the second one is of just his face. Beautiful, right?
And, yes, I'll be perfectly honest, it stung at first. Why would God, the giver of all good gifts, give my younger sister both a husband and a baby before me? "Doesn't he care about me too?" my heart longed to know.
It's like the time I asked for a clock radio for Christmas. My grandmother had prepared two of them (one for each of us), but Sarah opened hers first. In my selfishness, I actually cried, "that's mine Sarah! You opened my present!" I walked over and ripped it out of her arms. Sigh . . . what sin! I still remember how guilty I felt when I realized how blatant my selfishness was on that Christmas Eve.
There were many tears shed the night I first found out she was expecting . . . as once again I mourned the fact that I am not yet a wife and not yet a mother. My selfish, sinful heart once again cried out "That's mine, Sarah! You opened my present! Why do you get one and I don't! I want one, too!!!"
But, since then . . . after repenting, my heart has been filled with nothing but joy for my sister. I am so happy and can't wait to meet little Nate this summer when I get to go home for the first time in two years.
Oh, yeah, and if Sarah is able to hold that little bambino inside to full term or longer, I will even get to see my sister 9 months pregnant. How cool would that be!?!?! But, for now, here is my beautiful pregnant sister at 19 weeks:
Congratulations, Amanda! You are going to love being an aunt.
Posted by: Leslie | Monday, February 04, 2008 at 08:25 AM
Nathan is one of my all time favorite names;) Unfortunately my husband didn't agree!
Posted by: Lizzie | Monday, February 04, 2008 at 08:30 AM
How wonderful. Congratulations to your whole family.
Posted by: DebD | Monday, February 04, 2008 at 09:33 AM
Awesome! I'm sure you hear this all the time, but you two look so much alike! :)
Posted by: Ashley | Monday, February 04, 2008 at 09:43 PM
Once again, I applaud your transparency on this issue. I think you have one of the best attitudes ever on marriage/children from a singles perspective.
I know you already know this, but God has a perfect plan for you!!
Congrats to your family. Being an aunt is fun!!
Posted by: Bethany | Tuesday, February 05, 2008 at 06:56 AM
Thanks for sharing this! I've too felt both of those things at times with friendships nd the people around me who seem to get everything "first". What a reminder to revel in the joy that our Father gives us at this moment! Thanks for His great mercy and blessings! And what more joy to be content exactly where we are. We always hope that our loved ones would rejoice with us and because we love them, we can't help but rejoice in ours! I can't wait until you become an aunt...it's so fun and I can't wait to see Sarah 9 mos pregnant as well and meet little Nathan!
Posted by: Heather Vann | Wednesday, February 06, 2008 at 12:46 PM
believe me, i understand!!! my younger sister had FOUR kids before i even got engaged. and yes, i cried when i found out she was pregnant. for that matter, i cried when she got engaged. :) but she understood and we hugged and i helped and it was ok. till she got pregnant. my younger brother's wife is expecting too. and i cried when he got engaged as well but secretly. :) anyways, i survived them getting pregnant because i was engaged by them but i do admit to wishing that i'd still been able to beat them in the baby department. lol
on the other side, though, it ROCKS being an aunt and having nieces and nephews. you will LOVE it. i can even say that with the distance because my sister's four are in texas and i still love it. :)
speaking of texas, if you're there this summer, we probably will be too!!!! maybe, just maybe, i wonder if our paths would cross...
Posted by: southeastcountrywife | Saturday, February 09, 2008 at 02:16 PM