Saturday, March 14, 2009

photos from our ceremony Here is another slideshow of Abu's photos; this time from the ceremony. Here are some of the highlights: Before the ceremony started, Lawrance lowered my veil. Seating of the family included his maternal grandmother, "big uncle" and aunt, and his mom His dad walked me down the aisle. We had two missionary friends officiate--Mike (from America) and Jonathan (from Malaysia) I choose to walk 7 circles around Lawrance at the beginning of the ceremony (a Jewish tradition symbolizing that, as his wife, my life revolves around his) Then, he rolled the veil (again, I wanted to see during the 2 hour ceremony, but I knew the veil was important to him) During the charge to the couple, Mike shared the Gospel clearly and succinctly using a wedding as an analogy. It was GREAT!! We tied the Cord of Three Stands again We also washed each others feet (symbolizing servant leadership and mutual submission) We used the same vows, but this time we each only used our own heart language Lawrance sang a solo to me right after our vows (it was great!!) There were five different songs in the middle of the ceremony (so we sat down) I cried again during the vows . . . but this time for different reasons. :) I fell deeper in love with my husband as a direct result of celebrating our marriage in front of new witnesses. However, I did tell him that although I love him deeply, I will not marry him again. ;) After we talked, trying to compare our two weddings, Lawrance and I concluded that it must be kind of like having two children and trying to choose which one you love the most . . . it is impossible.

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