eija tagged me eons ago (actually only 12 days ago--but that is like eons in blogville).
She was given four words to write about what they mean to her, and in return gave me and three others four words to write about what they mean to us. So, the words she randomly picked for us are: Show, Money, Then, Chocolate.
The first thing that popped into my "I'm so glad it's the weekend" brain was "Show me the money, then I will share my chocolate with you." or what about "Show me the chocolate, then I will decide if it is worth spending my money on."
But, I don't think that is exactly how the game is played. ;)
Show. 給你看看. As a self-proclaimed recovering people-pleasing perfectionist, I struggle with the dichotomy of who I really am and who I show myself to be. The new discovery of the truth that grace applies to believers too has allowed me to confess sin and embrace Christ all over again. What a great place to be! Grace--lets me show more of the real me to others. And you know what? I like that; I like that a lot.
Money. 錢. Something I don't manage well, but long to. Something I don't really care about like to think about. Bills paid. Needs met. Even some wants granted. I'm good to go. I recently bought Money, Possessions, and Eternity
by Randy Alcorn. It is in my must read next stack. I long to be a good steward of all that God gives me.
Then. 然後. I love to plan. I am constantly thinking "After I . . . ., then I will . . . ." The problem with this is that I put something that needs to/should be done soon in the "then I will" spot and something I don't want to do in the "after I . . . " spot. THEN, because I don't want to do it, I add another "oh I will do that after I . . . " in front of the first "after I . . . ." And, thus, I forever seem to not be doing the things I want and doing the things I don't. Perhaps I need some re-flywashing.
Chocolate. 巧克力. Yes please. Preferably dark if you have it. Got any with nuts?
Tag--you're it!
I tag Kristy, rejoyce, Claire, Michelle, and Charlotte (but I don't know if Charlotte does tags). (Mom if you wanna do it, you could answer in the comments--I didn't tag you only cuz you don't blog.)
Here are your four words: directions, lovely, improve, once.
I took these words from the packaging of the bottle of "Shiny Syrup" I bought tonight for Gilby's tear-stain issue. Be thankful I didn't pick "Indirations" [sic] or "kelogram" [sic]. ;)
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