This morning Gilby and I were taking a walk, but before we headed home, we stopped to buy some breakfast. As we (yes, Gilby and me) were talking with the storeowner, two women who had been buying fruit just down the street started running and yelling obviously very upset. They were chasing a moped that was weaving in and out of the crowded street traffic. Since they were shouting in Taiwanese (I speak Mandarin), I could only guess what they were shouting about.
I was close. I guessed someone had hopped onto their moped and driven away with it. Instead, as the breakfast storeowner told me, the two boys on the moped had driven past the ladies buying fruit and grabbed their bags; thus, stealing their purses and purchases.
Normally Taiwan is a very, very safe place. As a single woman, I actually feel much safer here than I do in the States. However, this is actually a problem for me. Since the Taiwanese people are so nice, friendly, and inviting, it is very easy to get lulled into “they are a good people” mentality. This line of thinking of course is very wrong, and it leads to a lack of zeal for sharing the gospel because it causes me to fail to see the lostness of the people I live among.
The Bible says that “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick.”
I am not thankful that these two women lost some of their belongings today, but I am thankful for the reminder that the Taiwanese people are hopelessly lost without Christ.
Please join me in praying for the Taiwanese—less than 3% are Christian.
After I published my post about Gilby the other day, I realized that he had been in my home for about a year now. In fact, he entered my home on Friday, September 23, 2005.
A bit of triva for you: I was reading a "how to name your dog" webpage when I saw the idea to use "house names" to generate names for a pet. I clicked on a page that listed names for houses in Australia and saw the name "Gilby"--so it got added to my "possible puppy name" list.
Moreover, Gilby was nameless for about a week. I had a poll online so my family and friends in America and students here in Taiwan could vote and help me name my puppy. Other names in the poll included Kody, Timmy, Theo, Quincy, Bailey, Howie, Frankie, Jake, and Buddy. I actually casted my online vote for Quincy, but in the end agree that Gilby suited my pup much better.
Anyway, I thought I'd share photos of him from that very first day with me. He was SO tiny!! Looking at these photos makes me really, really want another one! :)
Isn't he just the cutest?
~Saturday side note: Skipping the photo hunt this week, because I'm not really into photographing eyes. Will join back in next week for "comfy."~
Several people have asked about him via phone, email, and in person. Here are some of the questions I've been asked about Gilby:
What did you do with him while you were in the States? He stayed with one of my best friends in the northern part of Taiwan. Ellen and her family were kind enough to give me a great home for over a month. They took excellent care of him and bought him all kinds of neat new stuff. To the left is a picture of him with his new little friend, Phoebe (Ellen and her twin sister's puppy). Thank you, Ellen, for taking care of him for me!!
Is Gilby home yet?
Yes. He has been back a week now. He came home last Saturday.
Did he recognize you?
I think so. He licked me for several minutes when I first saw him again. He made himself right at home in my arms again. And, he has made himself right at home again too.
Has he changed since he was a way from you for a month?
Not too much. His biggest change is that he now absolutely loves his walks. Before they were just a fun bonus; now they are a we-must-go-out-the-door-as-soon-as-Amanda-gets-out-of-bed-and-walks-in-the-door-from-work walk. He runs down the stairs and out the door of my apartment complex--eventually he does slow down, but at first he bolts out the doors like his tail is on fire or something!
His other change is that he is more independent. He isn't velcro-ed to my side anymore. He doesn't mind waiting for me on the couch or in his crate. He doesn't eagerly wait at my feet while I get dressed, and he doesn't wait for me to open the bathroom door so we can be together again like he used to.
Why didn't you take him with you to the States?
Well, even though it is not that difficult to take a dog from Taiwan to the States. It is hard to bring a dog into Taiwan. This is because Taiwan is rabies free, so they keep dogs in quarantine when they enter Taiwan for (I think) two weeks. So, if I do move back to the States later, Gilby will come with me. But he won't be accompanying me on my shorter trips.
That's about it as far as Gilby is concerned. He is still my puppy boy, and I am very thankful that he is a part of my life.
Here are some more photos taken recently, in case you haven't gotten enough gilby in awhile. (Refesh page if you wanna see different pics.) :) |
Gilby is home now. Everything went ok. Actually the procedure was easier than the vet thought it would be--so that is great. He is asleep right now.
The vet was surprised that Gilby could tell a difference between the vet's dog food and the dog food I give Gilby at home.
He said, "you must feed him people food."
"No. I don't. I feed him such and such brand. He is just . . . " (don't know how to say "picky" in Chinese, so sentence is left unfinished).
"Well, it is really spooky that he can tell and will refuse to eat at all."
I nodd. "I KNOW!"
I even have done the slow mixing of different types to introduce a new brand to him. He actually ate around the new brand--leaving it in the bowl and only eating the brand he liked.
AND. There are even some dog biscuits he refuses to eat!! Just doesn't like them at all.
AND. I try to treat him when he potties outside, so I can be reinforcing that habit. But, he refuses the treat. He would rather keep sniffing and playing outside than take the time to eat a silly treat.
Ahhh . . . my Gilby. It's good to have him home again. Thank you so much Father for taking such good care of him. Please help him to continue to heal. You are a good God.
I have been avoiding taking Gilby to the vet to be neutered. Partly cuz I am scared for my little guy, and partly cuz I was afraid of not understanding or communicating well with the vet, and partly cuz I had no idea what to expect, and partly cuz I didn't have even a clue how much it would cost.
So, after thinking about it for 3 months, I finally went this evening to ask about it and make an appointment to have it done. The vet I choose was nice, informative, and did a good job making sure I understood him. When he handed Gilby back to me--it was obvious that Gilby was scared. So, I held him and comforted him while the doctor added up the cost. Gilby was finally ok; I agreed to the cost and asked when the procedures could be scheduled for.
"Now is ok. You can pick him up tomorrow."
My heart did a flippy flop. WHAT!?!
I wanted to have more time to procrastinate. I wanted to have more time to think about it and tell Gilby bye. But, no. The vet then reached and took Gilby from me and took him to the back. Tonight around 10 pm Gilby will be castrated and have a few remaining baby teeth pulled. Yes, my vet will be doing surgery on my little puppy boy late at night--welcome to Taiwan.
Just now, I was feeling sad in my empty home--missing my little puppy boy greatly. I thought "I should talk to God about Gilby."
Then I thought, "No. That is silly."
"Why is it silly, Amanda? Remember the fridge?"
"Oh! That's right!! God does care about me!! And since I care about Gilby, and He made and then gave me Gilby, He must care about Gilby too!"
"God, please take care of Gilby for me. Help the vet to do a good job. Help Gilby to heal quickly. Thank you, oh so very much for caring about me . . . and Gilby too."
Gilby is 8 months old today!!
He has been so good for me. Besides just being my companion and friend, he is helping me in other ways too. For example, he is helping me get out and into different parts of my community. As I walk him, I can prayerwalk my neighborhood and explore parts of the neighborhood I never would have walked otherwise.
Also, he makes me more a part of the community in ways I never could imagine. I am not just an "out of place white face" walking by anymore. Simply having a dog with me when I walk sends a small message that I live here and am a part of the normal events of the day.
Gilby also wants to say Happy Chinese New Year, especially since this new year is the year of the dog!
I went to the night market, and there were 4 or 5 stalls full of little doggie clothes. I had never before seen these stalls. But, now that Gilby is in my life--I saw them instantly!!
He got two outfits the last time I went (the Chinese one above and the superdog outfit pictured below). Since I cut his hair and it is winter here, if he doesn't wear an outfit shakes. He is too small to stay warm by himself.
I went to Tainan (a city an hour north of my home) yesterday to visit Kady, a colleague. Because I was going to be gone all day, we decided I should just bring Gilby too.
Kady took me to all kinds of historic landmarks, and we ate lots of traditional foods. We even went to the first road in Taiwan!
Gilby was great the whole trip. He did not bark once! He spent most of the time in the bag I got from my parents for Christmas. He likes the bag--and gets lots of attention when he goes out with me. He sat in the bag next to me when we ate--and again, no barking or whinning or anything even though he was so close to the food and table. He is such a good doggie. The only thing is he has not yet learned how to walk on a leash--if he is in charge, he does just fine, but if someone wants to direct him--no way! But, this was really his first day on a leash--so, he did pretty good.
To see more pics from our trip, go to my flickr account.
I love recording life with snapshots--digital cameras have made this so fun and easy to do.
I am working on moving my photos from another online service to my flickr and also uploading new photos to flikr as well. But, since this will be an ongoing project, I uploaded a few pics from each month in 2005 and descriptions to pictures will be added later.
Below is one picture from each month of 2005. There are many more in the flickr set. It was hard enough picking "a few" from each month . . . even harder to choose just one.
January: With Corrina's family in Japan
Feburary: With Ellen for Chinese New Year
March: Dying Easter Eggs
April: Beginning ErHu Lessons
May: A trip to the beach
June: My Students Graduate!
July: Sam and I Dress Up at a Living History Museum
August: 5 of My Students from Taiwan Come to Texas
September: Smith Family Reunion
October: I Participate in a Speech Contest in Chinese!!
November: Sharing My Testimony at the Park
December: Merry Christmas from me and Gilby!
Don't forget to check the flickr set for a few more pics from each month!!
This has been a great Christmas weekend!!
I spent the weekend with the Minnich family--we opened presents on Christmas Eve, and had "Christmas Dinner" on Friday and Saturday night! Then today, Christmas Day, we worshipped in the park. I got to hold the Minnich's youngest son while he slept. I think that truly might have been the best Christmas I got this year. What a blessing!!
When I came home this afternoon, I waited for Gilby (he was being doggy-watched by a student), and then we took some pictures and opened our gifts from NeeNee and PawPaw. :) He loves his new mini-kong.
Then, I called my family and Ellen to tell them Merry Christmas!! It was great to hear their voices. Just wish I could have joined them for pancakes.
All in all . . . it was a nice weekend! :)
p.s. will post some pics from the weekend tomorrow.
I got this little jingle bell ball on impluse. Gilby LOVES it!! He will go get it and then bring it to where I am sitting, drop it, and then bark. He is inviting me to play. My job is to throw it for him.
Because it has a jingle bell, he can hear it, and he follows the sound of it. He will play fetch with his other toys (squeeky stuffed ones, plastic bottle caps, and tennis balls with ropes), but he can't hear them. And, if he is not paying attention he is not sure where to go to retreive it. This, on the other hand, can be heard as long as it is moving which is great.
I can sit on the couch and throw it into his crate, the bathroom, the study, the kitchen, or even my bedroom (if I bounce it just right). He without fail will return it to me.
It is just too cute to watch him prance, jump, and run. Oh how me makes me smile!! :)
My little guy's name is . . . . . Gilby!
Even though Gilby is not the highest on the poll right now (I actually voted for Quincy, myself) after talking to some other people and they all "voted" for Gilby but don't have computer access and after I unconsciously called him Gilby a few times the other day . . . I decided Gilby it should be. :) Cute name for a cute pup, right?
Here is my current fave pic of Gilby:
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