Photo taken from the world's tallest building; taken from the 89th floor of Taipei 101.
You can tell it is mid-day during a weekday in the summer because the above ground parking lot is mostly empty.
Theme: Row | See More Rows | PhotoHunt
Photo taken from the world's tallest building; taken from the 89th floor of Taipei 101.
You can tell it is mid-day during a weekday in the summer because the above ground parking lot is mostly empty.
Theme: Row | See More Rows | PhotoHunt
Relatively speaking, these cars are tiny.
Theme: Tiny | See More Tiny Stuff
Don't forget you can vote for amanda once a day. hint. hint. :)
Cutest little shadow I've ever seen!! :)
This photo of gilby was taken by larina when she was doggy sitting for me.
Theme: Shadow(s) | See More Shadows
I've actually posted about burning fake money before.
The money might be fake.
But the fire is real, as is the reality of lostness.
Theme: Fake | See More Fake Stuff
At first, I didn't think I had a photo of anything fake. But, thanks to Jimmie and her photo hunt picture, I thought of this. So, thanks for the prompting, Jimmie.
This is 花生豆花 or "hwa shung dou hwa" or Peanut DouHwa or Peanut Tofu Pudding.
Whatever you wanna call it, this is my second favorite Taiwanese sweet treat (first place is chawbing or shaved ice).
It is a soy bean based pudding topped with brown sugar water and peanuts. Yummy!!
A small cup (this one) costs 20 NT or about 60 US cents.
Theme: Sweet | See More Sweet Stuff
This was graduation day two years ago. After the graduation ceremony, we went out "to play." While we were waiting for some of their classmates to come join us, my students took the opportunity to take lots of pictures. When I found the shiny door and showed them what they could do with . . . well, they got excited. :)
I miss you guys!
Theme: Shiny | See More Shiny Stuff
Empty classrooms in Taiwan.
The photo above was taken at a junior high school during a break time.
The photo to the left was taken at the college where I teach at the end of the day. You can see the setting sun coming in through the back door.
There is always something thrilling about being in a classroom--whether empty or full. Sometimes I like being in an empty classroom--it gives me time to pray for my students and envision all the possibilites. But, I prefer when the room is full of students rather than empty--it is much more "alive."
Theme: Empty | Become a Photo Hunter | View Blogroll
May I suggest you visit my bloggy friend ejia's hunt? I love the way she always quotes Scripture in her photo hunts.
Oh! So many choices!!
I took this at my local "grocery store" about a five minute walk from my apartment here in Taiwan.
Theme: Drink | Become a Photo Hunter | View Blogroll
The two weeks that follow Chinese New Year are to celebrate the "Lantern Festival."
Along Love River in downtown Kaohsiung homemade lanterns are on display.
Most of the lanterns, made by shool children, were either pigs (remember it's year of the pig) or about the 2009 World Games to be held here in Kaohsiung, but a few of the lanterns on display were famous buildings in Taiwan.
Here is a pig with the 85-story building in Kaohsiung (Yes, it does appear to be that the building and the pig are in a bathtub. I have no idea why).
Here is a Taipei 101 lantern. Taipei 101 is the world's tallest building.
See what architecture other photo hunters found.
My students here in Taiwan LOVE chips!!
However, I am not a real big chip eater (unless we are talking totillia chips loaded with salsa). And, when the flavor happens to be Kyushu Seaweed, I don't even eat one! Who wants fishy chips?
Other intersting flavors include "Thai Sweet and Spicy Prawn," "Japanese Teriyaki," "Seaweed" and "Chicken."
After I gave my Chinese/English Bible to a NEW beliver a few months ago, I needed to get me a NEW one. So, I went to the store, and they didn't have the kind that I had before. However, they had a NEW version out. It is the NEW Chinese translation for today's generation and the English Standard Version, which is relatively NEW.
I am a very happy camper!!
If you are looking for online tools or for a NEW year-long reading plan, check out this post from earlier this week.
"And he who was seated on the throne said, 'Behold, I am making all things new.' Also he said, 'Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.'” (Rev 21:5)
P.S. Remember what you are invited to participate in tomorrow!!
"who me? no, way. i didn't tear up the tissue!! ok, you can stop looking at me like that now!"
To see other photo hunters photos of "red" go here.
As you probably know, the definition of "comfy" is different for different cultures. The people in my neighborhood here in southern Taiwan find these chairs outside very comfy. It is very rare to find them vacant like in the above picture.
Each time Gilby and I walk by here there are usually several old men having a conversation and enjoying the cooler outside air.
There are two things I enjoy about participating in the photo scavenger hunts: (1) being challenged to find a photo I've taken to fit the theme, and (2) seeing all the unique and creative ways others have interpreted the theme in their photos. The diversity is just amazing to me!
The first photo I thought of for this theme is one I love from my sister's wedding. It is of her looking up into my grandfather's eyes as they dance at the reception (which was the first time he ever danced in his whole life). I just love the expression of joy and admiration on her face.
However, this photo was taken by someone else, so it doesn't count. ;) Instead, I offer you these two simple pictures of my puppy boy looking up at me--they are some of my fave pics of Gilby. He is only four months old in these pictures.
Thanks for stopping by this weekend!
For more of my photos from Sarah's wedding and Gilby check out my Flickr account.
One word describes all photos below: yummy!!
Actually, now that I think of it, there are two other words that describe them as well: "Taiwanese food." ;)
Enjoy the feast!
Links to the individual photo pages on my flickr account:
1. Yu Mi Dan Bing, 2. Squid and Fish on a Stick
3. Curry Chicken with Rice, 4. 饅頭, 5. 小龍包, 6. Blessing Veggie, 7. The Lobster Dish, 8. Floating Mushroom Dish, 9. My Lunch, 10. "Dou Hua", 11. Gua Teigh, 12. Sam's Lunch, 13. Sunday dinner, 14. DSC02784, 15. Shrimp and Pineapple, 16. Steamed Bowl of 碗粿, 17. Spiced Tea Egg, 18. sam liked the chicken in this dish, 19. Little Fishies, 20. beef noodles, 21. Coconut Tapicoa Desert, 22. Sweet and Sour Chicken, 23. Radish, 24. mow-jee
There are even more of my photos of Taiwanese food here.
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